Hindi vs. Kannada has become one of the most debated topics on social media. One such video showing Bengaluru auto rickshaw drivers charging higher from Hindi-speaking passengers has garnered numerous reactions on social media. Video captures experiment with Bengaluru auto rickshaw drivers | Watch Both of them are treated in different manners, with a few auto-rickshaw drivers not even entertaining …
Rickshaw drivers are using shady tricks to 'swindle' tourists in London out of thousands of pounds - including one woman who was charged £1,300 to travel 500 yards. Devious drivers are said to be scamming innocent tourists by shifting the decimal point on credit card machines, or charging them for the short journeys in their garishly decorated pedicabs twice. Rickshaw …
Delhi's inventive answer to the electric car Getty Images Delhi has chronic air pollution problems - but a new kind of rickshaw could be part of the answer The rise of the electric three-wheeler could help to reduce India’s emissions and improve air quality, but how can this niche vehicle compete on Delhi’s busy streets? Currently, however, the bulk of …