Hyderabad: The government is embarking on holding another major religious congregation, the Saraswati Pushkaralu at Kaleshwaram, a temple town on the border of Telangana and Maharashtra. During a review meeting on Friday, Surekha directed officials to construct pucca bathing ghats, pandals, changing rooms, rest rooms and provide temporary shelters, camps for accommodation of pilgrims. Giving emphasis on sanitation, Surekha asked …
According to a new scientific study of material found at a Harappan site, 4MSR Bijnore, in Rajasthan, the Harappan people used to consume high-protein multigrain “laddoos” around 4,000 years ago. A scientist working for BSIP, Rajesh Agnihotri, said, “Seven similar big-size brown ‘laddoos’, two figurines of bulls and a hand-held copper adze were excavated by the ASI at the Harappan …