The Rashtriya Janata Dal on March 2 hailed the disqualification of six Congress MLAs in Himachal Pradesh who had recently crossed over to the BJP and expressed hope that similar action will be taken against “turncoats” in Bihar. In a veiled attack on the ruling BJP at the Centre, the RJD spokesperson alleged, "Gujarati moneybags have been let loose to …
A Delhi court’s order granting bail to former Railway minister Lalu Prasad Yadav and his wife Rabri Devi in connection with the land-for-Job scam case brought a wave of happiness to Rashtriya Janata Dal leaders on Wednesday. #WATCH | Bihar: RJD & BJP MLAs enter into a scuffle at the state assembly after am RJD MLA offered the BJP MLAs …
Janata Dal on Tuesday unanimously decided to snap ties with the BJP and Nitish Kumar resigned as the Chief Minister of Bihar in a stunning switch of power. 3) Swearing in of Nitish Kumar and Tejashwi Yadav as Chief Minister and Deputy CM respectively will take place at 2 pm on Wednesday. READ | Why Nitish Kumar switched political allies …
Patna: In the first sign of discontent brewing within the Rashtriya Janata Dal following its defeat, a senior party leader and five-time MLA from Gaighat constituency Maheshwar Yadav has come out in the open to protest against the party leadership. On Monday, while speaking to reporters in Patna, he blamed RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav for supporting a section of leaders …
The Rashtriya Janata Dal MLAs launched a protest against the mounting encephalitis deaths in the state outside Bihar Assembly building on Tuesday. Patna: The Rashtriya Janata Dal MLAs launched a protest against the mounting encephalitis deaths in the state outside Bihar Assembly building on Tuesday. While protesting, scores of MLAs, especially women, were seen standing under the hot sun and …