Greater Chennai Corporation plans to halt new road cuts across the city from September 30, said Corporation Commissioner J.Kumaragurubaran. Going by the complaints on social media websites in the past three months, Velachery witnessed frequent complaints about road cuts and slow restoration, causing traffic bottlenecks. T. Nagar also faced issues with incomplete restoration after utility work road cuts. Commissioner J. …
CHENNAI: The Greater Chennai Corporation has pushed back a proposal from the Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department which suggested making prior permission from the civic body not mandatory for initiating road cuts for drainage and water supply work. Official sources said the proposal was put forth to enable the Chennai Metro Water and Sewerage Board to take up certain …
As the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation conducts repair works at its Bhandup’s water pumping station and Pise Panjrapur Complexes, the water supply of the city is likely to get affected on October 26 and 27. As repair works happen on Tuesday, between 10 am in the morning to 10 pm at night, media reports claim that the city and the suburbs …