Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma visited Jodhpur House in the national capital on Tuesday evening. The incident happened as the heater that was installed in CM's room at Jodhpur House malfunctioned. Despite Bhajan Lal Sharma repeatedly sounding the alarm, no security personnel arrived in his room for a long time. CM's security in-charge as well as the Jodhpur House …
A Vietnamese man was in for a shock when he learned the cause of the persistent headaches he had been enduring for five months: a pair of chopsticks lodged in his skull. Not only did they diagnose the patient with tension pneumocephalus, a rare and fatal neurosurgical condition, but they also discovered the presence of chopsticks that had penetrated into …
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday that China’s military exercises aimed at Taiwan, including missiles fired into Japan’s exclusive economic zone, represent a “significant escalation” and that he has urged Beijing to back down. Blinken told reporters on the sidelines of a meeting with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Cambodia, however, that …