The Ernakulam Central police detained one person based on a complaint filed by Malayalam actor Honey Rose alleging online abuse. The actor, in the Facebook post, was reacting strongly against a supposedly popular individual “who keeps following her and is insulting her through double-meaning expressions”. “As if in revenge against my refusal to go to functions invited by that individual, …
LOADING ERROR LOADING Comedian and former talk show host Amber Ruffin honored the final day of LGBTQ+ Pride Month by coming out. “In what will come as a shock to exactly zero people, I’m using the last day of PRIDE to come out!” she wrote Sunday in the caption of an Instagram post that included a snapshot of her in …
Demi Rose showed off her latest incredible fashion look on Instagram on Thursday as she endured another day in lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic. The 25-year-old looked incredible wearing a white halterneck ribbed dress which clung to her hourglass curves and suited her perfectly. Looking good: Demi Rose showed off her incredible hourglass curves in a white semi-sheer ribbed halter …