A Japanese man named Daisuke Hori has maintained a tough sleep routine of just 30 minutes per day to ‘double’ his life. The reason behind his minimal sleep routine is improving work efficiency and to “double” his life. The art of minimal sleep A Japanese man named Daisuke Hori has maintained a tough sleep routine of just 30 minutes per …
Experts say psychosocial programmes should be implemented in the region to educate and help people cope with trauma and go back to routine life. “Earthquake survivors might give abnormal reactions for a period of time and these abnormal reactions should be evaluated as normal after the shock since they cannot express their feelings in a healthy manner,” said Malkoc. “An …
BEIJING — Officially, the Beijing Olympics are taking place inside what organizers are calling “the enclosed compound activity area.” That’s a fancy way of saying “a closed loop.” You probably know it better as “the bubble.” And bubbles are now part of the norm at major sporting events. “Everyone’s road to Beijing has been anything but ordinary,” U.S. speedskater Brittany …
Intermittent fasting may sound like another diet fad but researchers have conclusively found that the practice of routinely not eating and drinking for short periods of time resulted in longer life in heart patients. In the study by Intermountain Healthcare Heart Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah, researchers found that heart patients who practiced regular intermittent fasting lived longer than …
When I first encountered the “you-can’t-manage-what-you-cannot-measure” school of thought as a young business journalist, it sounded profound. 1.A time audit has made it obvious that to perform at optimum, I need three hours of screen-free time in the mornings. Investigating why productivity drops on days when I get to the screen earlier eventually led me to Cardiograph, a heart rate …