New Delhi: Aashram ke karta dharta Bhopa Swami has returned with a darker and more mysterious personality. Chandan Roy Sanyal’s character ‘Bhopa Swami’ is the right-hand man of Kashipur Waale Baba Nirala and he never fails to show his devotion to the Aashram. In an interaction with ABP Live, Chandan Roy Sanyal spoke about his shooting experience, his role and …
Life changed in a way for actor Chandan Roy Sanyal ever since he essayed the crooked Bhopa Swamy over two chapters of the Prakash Jha web series, Aashram. Last year, season one of the series, which stars Bobby Deol as the protagonist fraud godman Kashipur waale Baba, dropped in two chapters, and the show was an overnight success, and among …