Following Nifty's new high above 20,000, there appears to be a festival rush in the primary market to raise capital through the IPO route. RR Kabel IPO GMP today or grey market premium is +118 similar to the previous trading session. This indicates RR Kabel IPO share price were trading at a premium of ₹118 in the grey market on …
RR Kabel IPO Subscription Status: The initial public offering of RR Kabel has witnessed lukewarm interest from investors so far. RR Kabel IPO Subscription Status RR Kabel IPO has been subscribed 1.40 times on Thursday, the second day of the bidding process. At the upper end of the price band, RR Kabel IPO issue size is ₹1,964.01 crore, which comprises …
RR Kabel IPO Subscription Status: RR Kabel IPO was subscribed 25% on day 1. RR Kabel IPO received tepid response from non-institutional investors retail investors, and employee portion on day 1. RR Kabel IPO retail investors' portion received bids for 23,93,762 shares against 66,01,237 shares on offer for this segment. RR Kabel IPO's non-institutional investors' portion received bids for 8,18,258 …