The excitement surrounding Pushpa star Allu Arjun’s next film with director Trivikram has reached new heights following producer Naga Vamsi’s recent comments. With Pushpa 2: The Rule breaking box office records since its December 5 release, Allu Arjun’s upcoming collaboration with Trivikram has generated massive anticipation. While Pushpa 2 has cemented his place as a pan-Indian star, this next film …
Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2: The Rule is on fire! As per advance booking figures, Pushpa 2 has already raked in over Rs 100 crore in India on its first day alone, selling more than 3 million tickets. This makes Pushpa 2: The Rule the second Indian film this year to surpass the Rs 100 crore mark in advance bookings, after …
HYDERABAD: Actor Rajashekar and his actress-wife Jeevitha were on Wednesday sentenced to two years imprisonment and imposed a Rs 5,000 penalty in a defamation suit filed against them for their allegations against Chiranjeevi Blood Bank in 2011. The 17th Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court in Nampally Criminal Court pronounced the conviction in the defamation case filed by producer Allu Arvind. In …