Vikram Vedha box office collection day 5: Although Vikram Vedha has not performed as per expectations at the box office over the weekend, the Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan starrer film is steadily pacing towards the Rs 50 crore mark. “#VikramVedha witnesses an upward trend on Day 5, benefitting in evening shows since Day 6 is a holiday… Biz …
Vikram Vedha Box Office Collection Day 3: Vikram Vedha has not performed as per expectations in its opening weekend. “#VikramVedha fares way below expectations in its opening weekend… Needs to trend well on weekdays… Biz should get a boost on #Dussehra… Fri 10.58 cr, Sat 12.51 cr, Sun 13.85 cr. #VikramVedha fares way below expectations in its opening weekend… Needs …
Tushar Hiranandani’s Saand Ki Aankh’s is currently in its second week at the domestic box office. A Box Office India report claims that Saand Ki Aankh witnessed a growth by 55 percent, adding that it is relatively low for a film doing rounds in multiplexes in metropolitan cities. — taran adarsh November 3, 2019 S_aand Ki Aankh_ has been declared …
Mission Mangal, which retells India’s first ever mission to Mars, has emerged as Akshay Kumar’s highest grossing film. The space drama’s total box office collection stands at Rs 187.20 crore and will soon cross the lifetime earnings of 2.0, according to trade analysts. Trade analysts report that the film’s performance has been steady despite new releases like Shraddha Kapoor and …