Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda on Tuesday said officials have been tasked to complete the process of seeding Aadhaar with RTCs by the end of July in a bid to prevent fraudulent land transactions and provide ownership guarantee to land owners under the “Bhu Aadhaar” project. Speaking to reporters in Mysuru, Mr. Gowda said the State has nearly four crore …
: As the Karnataka government’s Shakti scheme that allows women to travel for free in State transport buses has received an overwhelming response, the road transport corporations have taken disciplinary action against 108 conductors from four RTCs for generating ‘fake’ tickets under the scheme. According to the data, 53 conductors in the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation, 12 in the …
Hyderabad: Justice S. Nanda of the Telangana High Court set aside an order of punishment passed by the the undivided APSRTC against a driver on charges that he had negligently caused an accident in 2008 leading to the death of a cleaner. The judge pointed out that the proceedings were ‘passed mechanically in a routine manner’ by ‘simply reiterating that …