Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar on Saturday announced that 20 non-feature and 23 feature films, including "Saand Ki Aankh" and Sushant Singh Rajput's "Chhichhore", will be screened as part of the Indian Panaroma section at the 51st International Film Festival of India. "Saand Ki Aankh", directed by Tushar Hiranandani and featuring Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar, will be the …
The list of films also includes Bridge, Avijatrik, Pinki Elli?, Trance, and #Prawaas Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar on Saturday announced that 20 non-feature and 23 feature films, including Saand Ki Aankh and Sushant Singh Rajput’s Chhichhore, will be screened as part of the Indian Panaroma section at the 51st International Film Festival of India. Saand Ki Aankh, directed …
While Ayushmann Khurrana battles premature balding in Bala, his co-star Bhumi Pednekar plays an orphaned girl who combats social wrath and societal prejudice coming her way as she plays a dark-skinned character. “Just like my character Latika, I have also been trying to break the mould through my work in my personal life, and here was another chance to do …
Filmmaker Pritish Nandy says he knows nothing about the controversy involving him and filmmaker Anurag Kashyap over the title "Womaniya". He says he is making a movie called "Womaniya" which is why the title has been registered by his company Pritish Nandy Communications Ltd. According to reports, Kashyap and Nandy were in a tussle over the rights to the title …