Bhumi Pednekar, along with Taapsee Pannu, will soon be seen as the legendary Tomar sisters in the Tushar Hiranandani-directed sport drama Saand Ki Aankh. Neena Gupta and Soni Razdan had expressed their disappointment for not being approached for roles suited better for actresses their age. “Casting is the filmmaker’s prerogative, and while I respect Neena ji and Soni ji and …
Actor Soni Razdan has expressed her disappointment at the casting of non age-appropriate actors to play sharpshooting grandmothers in the film Saand Ki Aankh. I get there is something called box office draw but then why make a film on 60-year-olds if you can’t cast the real ones?” Saand Ki Aankh stars Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar in lead roles. …