Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap has responded to comments made by Kangana Ranaut’s team about the actor’s decision to not be a part of his production, Saand Ki Aankh. On Saturday, the filmmaker took to Twitter to respond to a tweet in which Kangana’s team had said that Anurag never pitched her Saand Ki Aankh, and was not present at the meeting …
Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap in an interview has said that actor Kangana Ranaut was offered one of the lead roles in the recent film Saand Ki Aankh, but turned it down after asking for both roles to be rewritten into one. Citing examples of the times that Kangana has taken over film productions by cutting out supporting characters and hijacking the …
The makers of the film said Jha, who last featured as an actor in his 2016 directorial Jai Gangaajal, immediately agreed to star in Saand Ki Aankh after reading its script Director Prakash Jha has boarded the cast of biographical drama Saand Ki Aankh. The film, which will chronicle the story of world’s oldest sharpshooters Chandro and Prakashi Tomar, will …