The Punjab and Haryana High Court has framed four questions while referring Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim's plea challenging Punjab Government's withdrawal of consent for CBI probe into 2015 Sacrilege Cases, in which he is an accused. In 2021, Ram Rahim moved High Court seeking a fair and impartial investigation in three different incidents of sacrilege of Shri …
Sirsa-based Dera Sacha Sauda followers, who are accused in the 2015 Bargari sacrilege case, have sought copies of the probe documents of sacrilege cases handed over by the Central Bureau of Investigation to the Punjab police Special Investigation Team. Sirsa-based Dera Sacha Sauda followers, who are accused in the 2015 Bargari sacrilege case, have sought copies of the probe documents …