Isha Foundation's Sadhguru Sannidhi, located near Nandi Hills in Chikkaballapura district, organised a mega programme on Friday on the occasion of World Yoga Day. Around 1,000 NCC cadets of the 5 Karnataka Battalion from 20 colleges in Chikkaballapura, 200 soldiers from the Madras Engineering Corps of the Indian Army, 120 Jawans, and 2 officers from the Subsidiary Training Centre of …
Spiritual leader Sadhguru on Monday consecrated a 54-feet Mahashula statue and a 21-feet Nandi statue on the occasion of Makar Sankranti at Sadhguru Sannidhi in Chikkaballapur near Bengaluru. The day-long festivities included the enthusiastic participation of local communities from the surrounding Sadhguru Sannidhi area in large numbers, engaging in traditional festivities that featured cultural performances and a colorful Sankranti Jathre. …
The Isha Foundation is all set to host its first Mahashivaratri event at newly inaugurated Sadhguru Sannidhi at Chikkaballapur of Karnataka. Sadhguru Sannidhi near Bengaluru hosts first Mahashivatari after inauguration Many devotees have participated in the Deepaarpanam during the day at the newly inaugurated spiritual center which also has a 112 feet Adi Yogi statue, the replica of Coimbatore’s Isha …