The Konaje police claimed to have cracked three house burglary and theft cases reported in their limits after apprehending three suspicious persons travelling in a car at a checkpoint early on Wednesday. During inquiry, the accused revealed their role in three HBT cases reported in Konaje police limits in the last three months where they had stolen valuables worth ₹9.25 …
PATERSON, N.J. — More than a dozen women watch closely as Ida Khalil measures the length of the mannequin lying on the white table in front of her, stretching the palm of her hand and moving up from the figure’s toes to its head. KHOLOOD EID for HuffPost Khalil is here because she believes it’s critical for the next generation …
The High Court of Karnataka has quashed a case against an alleged Campus Front of India member, who shouted slogans against the Supreme Court judgement in the Babri Masjid case, because the police had failed to seek sanction from the government before charging him under Section 153A of IPC. The court noted that the accused Safwan “went along with the …
Tala Safwan is accused of talking in a sexual manner after a clip of a live video chat on TikTok with a female friend went viral. The police said on Monday that they had arrested an Egyptian resident in Saudi Arabia “who appeared in a broadcast on a social media site talking to another woman with sexual content and suggestiveness …
The Karnataka High Court on Monday granted anticipatory bail to three persons accused of smuggling cows and attacking police when their vehicle was tried to be stopped.The Court noted from the records that no serious allegations have been made against the three applicants. The Karnataka High Court on Monday granted anticipatory bail to three persons accused of smuggling cows and …