Model-turned-actor Sahana was found dead in mysterious circumstances at her residence in Kozhikode on Thursday night. Speaking to the media on Friday, Sahana’s mother said, “My daughter would never die by suicide, she was murdered. The couple’s landlord told Matrubhoomi News, “I heard Sajjad’s call for help and I rushed to the house. According to the husband, he found her …
Going by the gorgeous gallery of big-screen beauties that I savoured, it seems the movie business had nothing to worry about in 2021. And where were you on 16 October 2021 when Sardar Udham, Shoojit Sircar’s remarkably mordant film about the Massacre, was released? As I heard Raghuvir Mahata’s rage vent itself viscerally into threats of unmitigated violence I thought …
There is a difference between complexity and contrivances. Atrangi Re, directed by Rai and written by his long-time collaborator Himanshu Sharma, is – I can’t think of another way of saying this – weird. Bollywood’s continuing tendency to cast women as romantic partners of male actors old enough to be their fathers has been the subject of some discussion since …