A BSF constable posted in Kutch, Gujarat, was arrested on Monday by the Anti-Terrorism Squad for allegedly “spying for Pakistan”. On Monday, a Gujarat ATS team arrested him from the BSF headquarters in Kutch Bhuj on charges of spying and sending secret information to a Pakistan-based handler through WhatsApp messages in return for money. A statement issued by the ATS …
The shallowness of the elections in Kashmir exhibits itself when one drives down to Baramulla from Srinagar. “Sajjad Lone hasn’t done much work in Langate, but Irfan Panditpuri, who was the PDP’s candidate in 2014 for the Langate Assembly seat, has switched over to the P.C., transferring his nearly 16,000 votes to them,” said Tanveer Ahmad Bhat, a contractor, and …