Saket Misra, the son of Nripendra Misra, the bureaucrat in charge of the trust that is building the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, was the BJP candidate from Shravasti. At the moment, Saket Misra is a member of the Legislative Council for Uttar Pradesh Only months after the Pran Prathishtha celebration in Ayodhya, the SP's Ram Shiromani Verma defeated the BJP's …
The Bharatiya Janata Party's loss in Uttar Pradesh's Faizabad Lok Sabha seat, where the Ram Mandir is being built, is seen as a big setback for the Saffron Party, which rose due to the temple movement. However, the loss at Faizabad, the home to the magnificent temple, coincided with the defeat in Shravasti, a Lok Sabha seat 100 kilometres away. …
Governor Anandiben Patel nominated six people as Members of the Legislative Council in Uttar Pradesh. is pleased to nominate Rajni Kant Maheshwari, Saket Misra, Lalji Nirmal, Tariq Mansoor, Ramsurat Rajbhar, and Hanshraj Vishwakarma as members of the U.P. The names of Lalji Nirmal, Hansraj Vishwakarma, an OBC leader from Varanasi, and a prominent face from the Rajbhar community, Ramsurat Rajbhar …