Kajol and Aamir Khan delivered a blockbuster in 2006 film Fanaa. Now on 17 years of the release of Fanaa, Kajol has shared her experience of shooting for a song at minus 27 degrees, wearing just a chiffon salwar kameez while her co-star Aamir Khan was wearing a jacket. And since you guys loved my memories let me give you …
Singapore is a shopper’s paradise. Singapore’s best shopping places from luxury goods to budget-friendly bargains For Indian shoppers, Singapore is a great destination for shopping. Stores like Ritu Kumar, Fabindia, and Anokhi offer a wide range of sarees, salwar kameez, and other traditional Indian garments. Here, you’ll find a wide range of shops selling everything from traditional Indian garments to …
On Sunday, the Chinese State media posted manipulated pictures of the Galwan Valley clash that took place between the Indian forces and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army on June 15 last year. Shen Shiwei, the International News Editor of the China Global Television Network, claimed in a tweet, “New pictures of last June’s Galwan clash emerged on social media, showing …
Shweta Tiwari’s daughter Palak Tiwari shared pictures of herself dressed in a salwar kameez on her Instagram handle on Sunday. “Looking forward to seeing you on the big screen,” wrote a fan on Palak Tiwari’s post. Palak Tiwari is Shweta’s first child with ex-husband Raja Chaudhary. ALSO READ| Shweta Tiwari and daughter Palak’s stunning photos on Instagram.