A 41-year-old Haryana woman police inspector died in a road accident in Maharashtra’s Wardha district on Saturday when her team was on their way back from Parbhani in Marathwada region after arresting an accused in a crime case. The Bolero vehicle in which Panchkula Mahila Thana in-charge, Neha Chauhan and her team were travelling was hit by a truck, coming …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Nagpur to launch and lay the foundation of projects worth over Rs 75,000 crore in Nagpur on Sunday. Modi will also lay the foundation stone of Nagpur Metro Phase-II, inaugurate the first phase of ‘Samruddhi Mahamarg’, connecting Nagpur and Shirdi, and dedicate to the nation an AIIMS located in the city’s MIHAN area, the …