The government of India has been taking strict measures on cybercrime which has been growing like wildfire. The Department of Telecommunications received inputs from vigilant citizens regarding such fraud from 14 mobile numbers. ‘Chakshu’ facilitates citizens to report suspected fraud communication received over call, SMS, or WhatsApp to defraud like KYC expiry or update of bank account, sextortion, impersonation as …
Union minister for Railways, Communications, Electronics & Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw on Monday launched two new portals from the Department of Telecommunications to check cyber crime and financial frauds on Monday. The Digital Intelligence Platform is a backend module which allows real time intelligence sharing between law enforcement agencies, banks, financial intermediaries like PhonePe, telecom service providers, social media companies …
People will be now able to block and track their lost or stolen mobile phones across India via the Sanchar Saathi portal launched by the Department of Telecom on Tuesday. Union telecom minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said that through Sanchar Saathi Portal, people will be able to block, track and check the genuineness of a used device before buying them. There …
New Delhi: State-run telecom firm Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd on Saturday cleared June salary of all its employees, while it awaits clearance of around ₹14,000 crore in dues from the telecom department. "BSNL has cleared salary payments of all employees for June from internal accruals of about ₹2,000 crore," an official source, who did not wish to be named, told …