Allu Arjun's Pan India film Pushpa 2 was released in theatres on December 5. But after the stampede at Hyderabad's Sandhya Theater, it seems that there is no end to the controversies surrounding Allu Arjun and his film Pushpa 2 which also features Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil. The song was posted in the film for Allu Arjun's character Pushpa …
Sandhya Theater stampede: 'Pushpa 2' actor Allu Arjun has been summoned by the Hyderabad Police for questioning on Tuesday in the Sandhya Theatre stampede case. Allu Arjun’s residence attack This comes a fay after a group of men vandalised flower pots and other things at the residence of Telugu actor, demanding justice to the woman who died in 'Pushpa-2' screening …