A teenager from Karnataka’s Davanagere city has taken up the job of sanitising large stretches of his city for over three weeks now and says would continue to do so till the pandemic ends completely. Ridersh, a class 11 student from Davanagere, spends two hours everyday sanitising different parts of his city on his own before returning home to attend …
Kids growing up in an era of pandemic are doing it right it seems. Sharing the video on social media platform the mother said, “When your first year of life is 2020, everything is a hand sanitising station…" Katie Lightfoot from Texas captioned the now-viral video of her daughter." This reflects the Impact of Pandemic on every Human being incl …
In the wake of novel coronavirus disease outbreak, private bus operators on Thursday sanitised all buses on the Amar Shaheed Sukhdev Thapar Interstate Bus Terminal and arranged for sanitisers at all 25 counters for the use of staff and passengers. Private operators say only around 20% people had continued to rely on bus services after the outbreak. Small scale district …