Odisha Pradesh Congress Committee president Sarat Pattnayak was doused with ink allegedly by some ‘disgruntled’ element of the party on June 21. Some party activists entered Mr. Pattnayak’s chamber at Congress Bhawan, the State headquarters of the Congress party, here under the guise of greetings him. Mr. Pattnayak and all former State Congress presidents who fought election lost their elections …
The autorickshaw-lorry accident took place near the Sangam Sarat Theatre junction. Eight school children were injured and shifted to the hospital Eight school children fell off an autorickshaw and were left severely injured after the vehicle collided with a speeding lorry in Visakhapatnam on Wednesday morning. Warning: Viewer discretion advised #WATCH | Andhra Pradesh: Eight school children were injured in …
In the wee hours of Saturday, a mob in Assam’s Tinsukia district lynched a man on suspicion of cow theft. Sharing the link of an article by news portal “The Wire”, journalist CJ Werleman tweeted, “A 28-year-old Muslim man was beaten to death by a Hindutva mob on Saturday night in Assam after being falsely accused of cow theft.” India …
The victim has been identified as Sarat Moran from Kordoiguri village. His companion who escaped the mob has not been traced yet, said Tinsukia SP Debojit Deuri Tinsukia: A 28-year-old man was beaten to death at a village in Tinsukia district of Assam by a mob that suspected him as a cow thief, while his companion managed to escape on …