Mahesh Babu, in a recent interview, revealed that the shooting of Sarkaru Vaari Paata will go on till the end of February in Dubai. Mahesh Babu, who is currently in Dubai, spoke to Khaleej Times regarding Sarkaru Vaari Paata shoot. Speaking to the publication, Mahesh Babu said, "Dubai is a lovely place; I have been here many times in the …
Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu is celebrating his 45th birthday today. Wishing you a year filled with laughter and happiness and all the success you deserve forever have a fantastic day — Rakul Singh August 9, 2020 Here are a few more tweets: Wishing a heartfelt happy birthday to Superstar @urstrulyMahesh sir! Thank you for the value and faith you have …
Mahesh Babu on Friday, requested his fans not to celebrate his birthday on August 9. In a statement written in English and Telugu, Mahesh Babu asked his fans to avoid any social gathering on his birthday due to the increase in the number of coronavirus positive cases. Mahesh Babu will turn 45 this August 9 and his fans might have …