The trailer of Mahesh Babu’s upcoming Telugu film Sarkaru Vaari Paata was released on Monday. Directed by Parasuram and co-starring Keerthy Suresh, the film features Mahesh in the role of a loan agent and it is established in the trailer that nobody can miss repaying interest to him. Sharing the trailer, director Parasuram tweeted: “It’s time to pull up the …
Mahesh Babu’s daughter, Sitara Ghattamaneni, danced to the song Kalaavathi from her father’s upcoming Telugu film Sarkaru Vaari Paata. Sitara Ghattamaneni grooved to her father Mahesh Babu's song. Love love love to you my little one.” His wife, actor Namrata Shirodkar also shared the video. In the film, Mahesh Babu played a soldier who comes to a small town and …
The teaser or Mahesh Babu’s upcoming Telugu film Sarkaru Vaari Paata was unveiled on Monday on the occasion of the star’s birthday. Mahesh Babu in the teaser for Sarkaru Vaari Paata. In the film, Mahesh Babu played a soldier who comes to a small town and saves a family from the clutches of a rowdy politician. There are also reports …