The Enforcement Directorate has made a second arrest in the alleged Rs 175 crore money laundering case related to security firm Tops Grup. According to former Tops Grup director Ramesh Iyer, Sarnaik was collecting his share for MMRDA contract through Amit Chandole and Sanket More. In his statement to ED, Iyer has said that Rahul Nanda, promoter of Tops Grup, …
In yet another setback for Shiv Sena, the Enforcement Directorate has arrested Amit Chandole, a close aide of Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik in connection with a money laundering case linked to the legislator. According to the reports, Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik’s aide Chandole was grilled by ED officials for nearly 12 hours before being placed under arrest. Prior …