Daily soap 'Ek Bhram. However, the show starring Ishqbaaaz actress Shrenu Parikh and Zain Imam in leading roles could not make it to the top of the BARC TRP charts. Recently, Tanvi Dogra who played the role of Kavya opposite Zain bid the show goodbye after which the makers have planned a new twist in the tale. As per the …
TV actress Shrenu Parekh starrer Ek Bhram - Sarvagun Sampanna has garnered much praise from the viewers considering its unique storyline and stellar star cast. The actress in none other than Tanvi Dogra who played the role o Kavya Mittal in Ek Bhram - Sarvagun Sampanna. The journey of Tanvi Dogra has not been easy on the show as in …
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai's former Naitik Karan Mehra to return to TV soon with the newly-launched TV show Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampanna. Talking about his role, Karan Mehra will play the father of two young girls in Sarvagun Sampanna. However, he would only have to shoot for his parts two days a month. In personal life, Karan Mehra is …