Mumbai's Aarey police have arrested two television actresses in a robbery case. These two actresses have earlier worked in shows like Savdhaan India and Crime Patrol. The woman filed a complaint at the Aarey Police Station and suspected that actresses Surabhi Surendra Lal Srivastava and Mosina Mukhtar Sheikh stole her bundle of money. Nutan Pawar, a senior officer of Aarey …
Ex Savdhaan India host Sushant Singh, who has been on the forefront of anti-CAA protest, has slammed spiritual leader, Sadhguru. In another tweet, she wrote, ''Pl note iss bande Sushant ke pass dsnt hv a single point against d program dat teaches meditation toh kapdon se problem tu wahan kapde dekh raha tha? Millions f people benefitin frm Isha meditations …
Actor Sushant Singh on Tuesday said it was unclear whether he was let go from "Savdhaan India" because of his participation in the protests against Citizenship Amendment Act or there were budgetary constraints behind his firing from the crime show. The actor, who has been associated with the TV show as its host since 2012, shared the news about his …
Actor and host of the crime-based show, Savdhaan India, Sushant Singh on Tuesday announced that his association with long-running TV show has ended. — सुशांत सिंह sushant singh سوشانت سنگھ December 16, 2019 Without mentioning any reason, he tweeted how his association has come to an end. — सुशांत सिंह sushant singh سوشانت سنگھ December 16, 2019 The ‘truth’ that …
And, my stint with Savdhaan India has ended. — सुशांत सिंह sushant singh سوشانت سنگھ December 16, 2019 A very small price my friend. — सुशांत सिंह sushant singh سوشانت سنگھ December 16, 2019 : Bollywood and TV actor Sushant Singh, who is currently seen as a host on the reality TV crime series 'Savdhaan India', has been ousted from …
Actor Sushant Singh on Tuesday announced that his association with long-running TV show "Savdhaan India" has ended following his participation in the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act. "And, my stint with Savdhaan India has ended," Sushant wrote. Sushant was alluding to his role in Rajkumar Santoshi's 2002 film "The Legend of Bhagat Singh" in which he had portrayed freedom …
Actor Sushant Singh on Tuesday announced that his association with long-running TV show Savdhaan India has ended following his participation in the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act. Sushant also said that it was a "small price" to pay for speaking out. Sushant was citing his role in Rajkumar Santoshi's 2002 film The Legend of Bhagat Singh, in which he …