The release of actor Joseph Vijay’s Leo, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and produced by S.S. Lalit Kumar and Seven Screen Studio, on October 19 following a case in the Madras High Court has exposed the ingenious workaround created by exhibitors and distributors to overcome the Tamil Nadu government’s leash on the business of the film industry. Seven Screen Studio approached …
Thalapathy Vijay's Master will release only in theatres, confirmed Seven Screen Studio's Lalit Kumar, who is distributing the film. Later, it was reported that the film Master listed on Amazon Prime Video's poster is a Korean film and not the Tamil one. Rumours about Vijay's Master's grand release on OTT circulated after Amazon Prime Video unveiled their poster. We will …
Major studio spending on screen content has skyrocketed from about $15 billion seven years ago to an expected $50 billion this year, according to a top Hollywood film producer who believes the industry will peak in several years' time. Key points: Producer E. Bennett Walsh predicts TV and film financing will peak in five years before contracting He says there's …