Karnataka Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot has written to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, requesting a detailed report on allegations made by BJP MLC CT Ravi regarding police misconduct in Belagavi after he was arrested for abusing Karnataka Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar. The Governor’s communication comes after Ravi and his colleagues submitted a representation outlining serious grievances against senior police officials in the district. In …
Member of Karnataka Legislative Council and Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's son Yathindra Siddaramaiah has stirred a political row in the state after he called Hindutva "dangerous" for the country. Opposition party BJP reacted strongly to Yathindra's statement and condemned it, questioning if he is a Hindu himself. Everyone has got the right to put forth their views in a democracy, but …
BENGALURU: Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot summoned anti-corruption activist TJ Abraham to Raj Bhavan on Tuesday and sought a clarification on his petition in view of the state’s Council of Ministers’ advice to withdraw the show-cause notice issued to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in the alleged MUDA site allotment scam. The show-cause notice was issued based on the petition by Abraham to the …
A day after the arrest of Additional Director General of Police Amrit Paul in the police sub-inspectors recruitment scam, the opposition Congress demanded the resignation of Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai for allegedly making attempts to protect some politicians and officials involved in the alleged scam. The Congress also demanded immediate sacking of Home Minister Araga Jnanendra who allegedly misled …