The festival of Durga Puja has begun and the festive spirit amongst the Bollywood celebrities can be seen. Celebrities including Kajol with her son Yug, Hema Malini with her daughter Esha Deol and Rani Mukherjee were spotted arriving at the pandal to seek blessing from the deity. Hema Malini and her daughter Esha Deol were Image Source : FILE IMAGERakhi …
After playing Abraham Woodhull in AMC's Turn: Washington's Spies, Jamie Bell is returning to the small screen with Shining Girls. The 35-year-old actor has signed on to star alongside Elisabeth Moss and Wagner Moura in the Apple TV Plus series, according to Deadline. TV return: After playing Abraham Woodhull in AMC's Turn: Washington's Spies, Jamie Bell is returning to the …
Nani will soon be seen in another film helmed by Shiva Nirvana, titled Tuck Jagdish. Here is the announcement Tuck Jagdish will also star Ritu Varma and Aishwarya Rajessh alongside Nani. Shiva debuted as a director with Ninnu Kori, and went on to gain acclaim with his sophomore film Majli, lead by Samantha Akkineni and Naga Chaitanya. The News Minute …