The Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption on Thursday seized ₹1.5 lakh in unaccounted cash, allegedly collected by a sub-registrar and her tout from document writers in Coimbatore. According to DVAC officials, the cash was seized from Keerthi Shankar, who allegedly acted as a tout for Nancy Nithya Karoline, sub-registrar of Singanallur. The officials received specific information that Karoline was receiving …
KADAPA: In a major police operation in three places in the district and in one by forest officials, 65 red sandalwood logs were seized on Thursday and 15 persons were arrested for their involvement. Superintendent of Police Karur Karunapati Nagendra Kumar Anburajan speaking to reporters later said that 11 red sanders logs were seized in the morning near the Buggavanka …
Police have seized 952 kg of ganja worth around Rs 1.5 crore from a truck in Madhya Pradesh's Rewa district and arrest four persons in this connection, officials said. The police received a tip-off that a consignment of the contraband was to arrive from Uttar Pradesh, following which they intercepted a container truck on Tuesday at Chak crossing under Mauganj …