Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday vetoed the West Bengal primary education board's proposal to implement a semester system for government-aided primary schools, citing concerns about increased study load on young students. In a televised review meeting at Nabanna, Banerjee criticised Education Minister Bratya Basu for the decision, stating it lacked prior consultation at the government’s highest level. The proposed …
The University Grants Commission, Chairman M Jagadesh Kumar, emphasised on Monday that higher education institutions should transition to a semester system to enhance student evaluation and improve the overall learning experience. UGC'S 'ONE NATION, ONE SUBSCRIPTION' TO BOOST RESEARCH ACCESS The UGC Chairman further stated that at least 6,300 colleges and universities stand to benefit from the "One Nation, One …
The West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education has announced the implementation of the semester system at the Higher Secondary Level from the Academic year 2024-25. 340-SED-‘11099/312/2023 dated 06.03.2024 to introduce the Semester System at the Higher Secondary Level from the Academic Session 2024-25 for Class XI and, subsequently from the Academic Session 2025-26 for Class XII'. The decision to …
VIJAYAWADA: Educationists say introduction of semester system in school education in AP, coupled with tablets, will prove to be a major change maker in the history of education imparted in the country. Accordingly, it developed textbooks for classes I to V in bilingual format with trimester system and Class VI textbooks with a two-semester system from academic year 2020–21. It …
Jagan Mohan Reddy government is introducing the semester system of education in government schools from classes I to X. Education department has issued an order introducing two semesters per year in government schools from Class I to Class IX from academic year 2023–24. In addition, SCERT developed Class Vl and Class VIl textbooks in two-semester system from the academic year …