The Cyberabad Police in Telangana have recently busted a gang involved in the data theft and sale of sensitive information of government and important organisations. The arrested seven members of the gang allegedly stole details of 2.55 lakh defence personnel and 16.8 crore citizens of India, PTI reported. Cyberabad Police commissioner M Stephen Raveendra was quoted by PTI as saying …
A technology firm that handles sensitive documents for Dutch police, emergency services and security has been targeted by hackers, the Volkskrant reported on Monday. A total of 39,000 documents, including ID documents and invoices, were leaked online after the company, Abiom, refused to comply with a demand by ransomware group LockBit. The Volkskrant said confidential communications with foreign documents were …
Chennai: A man, who was posing as an Army officer, has been arrested by the Central Crime Branch in Bengaluru on Monday for allegedly leaking sensitive information to Pakistan's spy agency ISI. Till recently, the man arrested had disguised himself as an Army officer and had taken images of important installations and defence establishments of the Indian Army. READ | …