The Anubhav Sinha-directed web series IC814: The Kandahar Hijack recently sparked controversy when a section of social media accused the filmmaker of deliberately altering the names of two of the hijackers to “Bhola and Shankar. The uproar grew so intense that streaming platform Netflix issued a statement, part of which read, “…the opening disclaimer has been updated to include the …
2022 has shown that dramas work consistently with Indian OTT audiences. Saas Bahu Aur Achaar Pvt Ltd, the latest series from TVF to hit OTT, is about Suman, a lower middle class woman from Delhi who has to find a livelihood after her divorce. Subhash credits the show’s creators- Arunabh Kumar and Apoorva Singh Karki, from creating a credible character …
Remember the man who played the role of Raghu Ram for a parody series on TVF? Deepak Kumar Mishra, who is known for the many roles he plays in different web series, is in fact the director of Panchayat Season 2! From praising his acting skills in the parody series based on Roadies to pointing out his cameo roles in …
Ravi Dubey had bagged another mega-budget project. The Jamai Raja actor will be seen next in MXPlayer's MatsyaKaand, which also stars Piyush Mishra and Ravi Kishan in pivotal roles. After a massive response to the recently released trailer of Jamai 2.0 Season 2, Ravi Dubey has bagged another web show, MatsyaKaand, which will stream on MXPlayer. As per our sources, …
MP home minister Narottam Mishra on Sunday said that he has instructed state officials to initiate action against web series ‘Suitable Boy’ for showing a kissing scene in a temple. MP minister Narottam Mishra swung into action a day after a Bhartiya Janta Yuva Morcha leader from Rewa, Gaurav Mishra, lodged a complaint with the superintendent of police against the …