Gokulam Kerala maintained their top spot in the Indian Women's League after beating Sports Odisha 7-1 here on Sunday. Striker Elshaddai Acheampong scored four goals, while winger Soumya Guguloth netted two and set up two more and Manisha scored one to help the Malabarians to yet another massive win. Elshaddai soon doubled the lead for Gokulam Kerala on the 23rd …
She has previously said that the luxurious 'pink room' in her $7.3million Brighton mansion makes her feel like she's in 'seventh heaven'. Scroll down for video Hitting back: Rebecca Judd vehemently defended herself on Monday after she was accused of banning her four children from her Brighton mansion's beloved 'pink room' Revealing that her children, Oscar, nine, Billie, six, and …