Karnataka Congress leader B Gurappa Naidu, who has been booked for alleged sexual harassment and outraging the modesty of a woman, was on Saturday expelled from the primary membership of the party for a period of six years. Sexual harassment case registered against B Gurappa Naidu has been citied as the reason for the move. The Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee, …
Police investigation into an anonymous letter against an IPS officer in Jind has led to the arrest of an activist, Sunil Kapoor. The activist allegedly created an email ID and sent a complaint to police officials and the chief minister, alleging sexual harassment of women cops. Kapoor has been evasive and has not joined the SIT investigation. The investigation is …
A teenager who complained of sexual harassment while working at the embattled Barkly Regional Council was instructed to meet face-to-face with the colleague or face dismissal. Key points: Erini Tsavaris reached a confidential settlement over the council's handling of her sexual harassment complaint against a colleague Ms Tsavaris' father says he wrote to mayor Jeffrey McLaughlin expressing his concerns but …
Chennai: Tamil Nadu school education department has directed all the schools to install complaint boxes in their premises to receive sexual harassment complaints from girl students. According to a Times of India report, a letter from K Jeyalalitha, deputy secretary of the school education department, to the commissioner of the school education said that the court observed that the female …