In a tragic accident, three people were killed and at least five others were injured on Saturday morning after three vehicles, including a police car, collided with each other in Madhya Pradesh’s Neemuch district, police said. Speaking about the accident, Superintendent of Police Neemuch Ankit Jaiswal said that a police vehicle, a pickup, and a truck were involved in this …
Shajapur: The district administration has enforced prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code in parts of Shajapur city in Madhya Pradesh, after some people threw stones on participants of a religious procession following a dispute. Shajapur Collector Riju Bafna in a post on X said Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code has been imposed with immediate …
A woman allegedly killed her two-day-old daughter in Madhya Pradesh's Shajapur district after being upset over not having a son, police said on Monday. Later, after reaching her parents' home in Ama Khoria village, the woman hit the newborn on her head and stomach with a sickle on Friday, Mohan Badodia police station in-charge Uday Singh Alawa said. The child, …