Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav announced an ambitious target to achieve a 100 percent pass percentage for students appearing in Class 10 and Class 12 board exams by 2030. The announcement was made on Sunday during the launch of the Swami Vivekananda Yuva Shakti Mission, coinciding with Swami Vivekananda's birth anniversary, celebrated nationally as Youth Day. Highlighting the mission’s …
Neither of 2 letters to ISRO mentions the upcoming Chandrayaan-2 mission or its NASA instruments. Following India’s ‘Mission Shakti’ anti-satellite test on 27 March, NASA had reportedly stopped all cooperation with ISRO under the ‘NASA-ISRO Human Space Flight Working Group’ collaboration between the two national space agencies. In a letter addressed to Dr K Sivan, Chairman of ISRO, on 29 …
The Election Commission on Friday is likely to announce its decision regarding whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Mission Shakti’ speech violated the Model Code of Conduct that has been enforced since the dates of the Lok Sabha election were announced earlier in March. The Election Commission is likely to announce its decision if Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Mission Shakti’ speech …
India has successfully tested the anti-satellite missile capability under Mission Shakti. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address on Wednesday said that after successfully completing the operation, India has become an elite space power. "An anti-satellite weapon -- ASAT -- successfully targeted a live satellite on a low earth orbit," Modi added. "Mission Shakti operation was a difficult target to …