The trailer of Ajay Devgn and R Madhavan starrer Shaitaan is finally out. Part 2 bhi hamaare dimaag mein taiyaar hai,” Kumar Mangat Pathak, the film’s producer said at the trailer launch event. The trailer of the film reveals that R Madhavan has taken charge of Ajay Devgn’s daughter. Bhoot ki thi..” Ajay Devgn announced Shaitaan earlier this year.
Gone are the days of quiet retirement; the elderly population is now embracing an active lifestyle with unparalleled zeal, defying age with vigour and grace. Honoured as Patron of Dementia India Alliance, hosting Chennai event for World Alzheimer’s Day on 21st September 2023,” says Dr. K. R. Gangadharan, 69-year-old founder chairman, Heritage Foundation. “Different types of laughs like Silent laugh, …
Ram Ratna Wires, a leading manufacturer of high-quality winding wires, on Wednesday, received approval from the board of directors to sell over 13.64 lakh equity shares in R R Kabel through an initial public offering. In its regulatory filing, Ram Ratna said, the board of directors has considered and approved the proposal for the sale of its equity investment held …
Bollywood's Maddy, actor R Madhavan turns 50 today. Shilpa Shetty, who is a close friend of the Rehna Hai Tere Dil Mein actor, shared a cute video on social media to wish him on his special day. Happiest birthday my dearest Maddy, thank you for always being sooo honest, teaching me about the latest in technology, hydroponics, life, parenting, and …