Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who reached poll-bound Himachal Pradesh’s Una on Thursday morning, received a hearty welcome amid huge fanfare. After flagging off the fourth Vande Bharat Express from Amb Andaura in Una district to New Delhi, PM Modi was seen waving at people while enjoying a short train ride. #WATCH | People raise 'Modi-Modi, Sher Aaya" slogans as they …
Early this month, the Aam Aadmi Party had picked up a popular track, ‘Apna Time Aayega’, from the Hindi movie Gully Boy and circulated it by replacing the original video with photos and video clips of the party’s South Delhi candidate Raghav Chadha. Lok Sabha elections 2019: AAP uses ‘Gully Boy’ songs to woo voters in South Delhi In April, …