Ram Gopal Varma spoke about the paranormal in a new video. The filmmaker, who has made movies like Bhoot, in an interview on his YouTube channel, recalled an interaction with choreographer Shiamak Davar, who claimed to have seen the spirit of RGV’s father aboard a flight. RGV said, "The plane took off, and then, in day light, mid-air, he suddenly …
Videos of actors Shah Rukh Khan, Ranveer Singh and Varun Dhawan’s Jhoome Jo Pathaan act and Alia Bhatt and Rashmika Mandanna dancing to the beats of Naatu Naatu at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre gala on Saturday night broke the internet. Shiamak Davar choreographed Varun Dhawan’s performance at NMACC Gala. While Hadid made it clear through an Insta Story …
Recently, at the grand opening of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, a video of Shah Rukh Khan dancing to the song Jhoome Jo Pathaan from his recent blockbuster went viral. Shah Rukh Khan and Shiamak danced along to the song Le Gayi from Dil To Pagal Hai which was the first time they had worked together professionally. Shah Rukh …
Bigg Boss 11 fame Priyank Sharma recently hosted the green carpet at the mega event of IIFA Rocks that happened in Mumbai on September 16. Priyank took to his social media to share a video from IIFFA Rocks green carpet where he interacted Shiamak Davar and had a hearty laugh. I take a pride yes I do to be one …