Aruna Tanwar has been awarded a wild card entry for the upcoming Tokyo Paralympic Games, which will make her the first Indian to compete in the global multi-para sport event, the national federation said on Wednesday. Indian Taekwondo president Namdev Shirgaonkar said Aruna received the wild card based on her “exemplary past performances”. India Taekwondo has extended all support for …
Aruna Tanwar has been awarded a wild card entry for the upcoming Tokyo Paralympic Games, which will make her the first Indian to compete in the global multi-para sport event, the national federation said on Wednesday. Indian Taekwondo president Namdev Shirgaonkar said Aruna received the wild card based on her "exemplary past performances". India Taekwondo has extended all support for …
Pune: A Baramati court here in Maharashtra has awarded three-day imprisonment to three people for violating the lockdown imposed by the government to contain the spread of coronavirus. "The three accused were booked under IPC Section 188 after they were found roaming in Baramati city of Pune district without any reason, thus violating the lockdown and orders imposed under Section …