Devotees had taken the Mandala Deeksha on January 29 and Artha Mandala Deeksha on February 19. Idols of the deities will be worshipped three times a day until the conclusion of the Siva Deeksha Jyotirmudi Viramana. The Shiva Deeksha Jyotirmudi Viramana ceremony commenced with Siva Panchakshari Namasmaran by Deeksha devotees, followed by the offering of Jyotirmudi, along with cow's ghee …
ANANTAPUR: More than eight lakh devotees, including those for Shiva Deeksha, are expected for darshan of Lord Mallikarjuna Swamy and Goddess Bramarambika in Srisailam for the Shivaratri Brahmotsavam. While many Shiva Deesha devotees are on the padayatra from Karnataka, AP, TS as also Maharashtra and would offer Shivathorhtirmudi, the authorities were arranging shelter, darshan facility and prasadam for them. Srisailam …