The much anticipated trailer of the year’s big Diwali release, Saand Ki Aankh has arrived and it is a refreshing change from the regular sports biopics. It gives a peek into the extraordinary journey of the ‘Shooter Dadis’: Prakashi Tomar and Chandro Tomar, played by Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar respectively. Saand Ki Aankh trailer: Bhumi Pednekar and Taapsee Pannu …
Earlier this month, the makers of Bhumi Pednekar and Taapsee Pannu-starrer Saand Ki Aankh dropped their look as "shooter dadis" on the internet. "Would have preferred to see Neena Gupta in this role; make-up is looking extremely bad and fake," was one such comment on Twitter, which pointed out that senior women artistes from Bollywood should have been cast in …