The Narcotics Control Bureau on Monday arrested one Shreyas Nair, who has alleged links with Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan, from Goregaon in a drugs case. Earlier today, Aryan Khan and seven others were sent to a three-day NCB custody by a Mumbai court in connection with a drugs seizure on a cruise ship off the Mumbai …
The Narcotics Control Bureau is likely to seek further custody of Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan for investigation in the Cordelia drugs case. The NCB has said Aryan Khan's custody will be needed to investigate materials found during the overnight raids. Read: NCB: Found drugs in Aryan Khan's lens case, between sanitary pads of other accused Shreyas Nair had …
The NCB on Monday placed one Shreyas Nair under arrest in connection with the cruise liner drug bust. Officials familiar with the arrest said Shreyas Nair supplied illegal drugs to at least 25 people who were found on board Cordelia Cruise's Empress ship on Saturday. From cruise ship raid, Aryan Khan's arrest to Salman Khan visiting SRK | IN PICTURES …